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Tips & Tricks

Your website’s “About Us” page often gets relegated to the backburner. It can feel like a chore to fill with dry facts and figures. But what if I told you this page could be a secret weapon? A well-written “About Us” page is a chance to connect with your audience on a deeper level. It’s […]

Person typing on computer

Don’t Be Boring: Your Guide to a Stellar “About Us” Page

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You’ve launched your website. You’re feeling super exited about it…you share it with everyone you know…and then….crickets. There are various reasons this could be happening, but the very first thing you need to make sure is looking, working, and reading just right? Your homepage. Let’s dive into how to improve your website’s homepage. Your Homepage’s […]

Person's hands typing on computer

How to Improve Your Website’s Homepage

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When it comes to both SEO and attracting your ideal client (two key goals in web design and copywriting), having the right copy is CRUCIAL. Dive into these three copywriting prompts (with specific examples) that will help you nail your copy from your homepage, and leave website visitors wanting to explore more and become your […]

Three Copywriting Prompts to Attract Your Dream Clients

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Alright small biz owners let’s get real. Do you find yourself wishing you could make regular updates to your biz website quickly and confidently? Then this is for you. Let’s dive into the top five reasons Showit is the best web design platform for creatives, entrepreneurs, and small business owners looking to save time and […]

Person on couch, leaning back wearing headphones with laptop in their lap.

Five Reasons for Making the Switch to Showit

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Not sure if your business should invest in a website redesign? Read on to learn about the top red flags your website is due for a redesign. Your design feels outdated. You may have LOVED your website when you first set it up….two years ago. But your brand has likely evolved since then. And if […]

Woman sitting at a table working on laptop

Five Signs It’s Time for a Website Redesign

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Five key elements to turn your website homepage into a client converting machine  Struggling to convert site visitors into clients? Or perhaps you’re starting a brand new website and don’t have the slightest clue on how to get started on its design. Dive into today’s post that covers five non-negotiable elements that your homepage needs […]

Website Design: Homepage Layout + Copywriting Must-Haves 

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Discover the beauty of drag and drop design on Showit.

Updating your website has never been this fun.

Confession: I literally never would have become a website designer if I hadn't discovered the Showit platform. 

It's. That. Good.