Not sure if your business should invest in a website redesign? Read on to learn about the top red flags your website is due for a redesign.
You may have LOVED your website when you first set it up….two years ago. But your brand has likely evolved since then. And if your web design hasn’t evolved with it… then odds are it feels out of date. Not to mention, styles change. Tastes change. What felt fresh and looked good a few years ago most likely doesn’t. Sounding familiar? Then it’s time for a redesign, my friend.
To keep your site current (and maintain SEO), you should regularly update website content (aim for once a month). If you’ve got an online shop – you will likely need to update more frequently. And if the thought of updating your website sends you into a mini panic attack…or you have to reach out to that web designer you have on retainer to make changes…it’s time for a new site.
I feel so strongly about clients feeling confident with site maintenance after I hand over their new design that I exclusively design on the Showit website platform. IMO, it’s the most user-friendly web design platform out there. I also give every client access to my youtube tutorial library and a private tutorial video unique to their website. Updating your site SHOULD NOT BE DAUNTING. If it is – get a new site, (cough, cough, on Showit).
Ok. This is non-negotiable. Your website MUST look and work FLAWLESSLY on mobile. Mobile-first design is a hot topic for good reason. According to Forbes, over 50% of web-traffic in North America comes from mobile devices. And yet on a regular basis, I still stumble upon websites that don’t work great on my phone. And you know what I do? I move on and I don’t go back to try to view it on my desktop.
The Showit platform allows for complete freedom when designing for mobile vs desktop. You can make the two designs as unique from one another as desired. Yet another reason I am a Showit devotee. Learn more about mobile vs. desktop design on the Showit design app here.
Companies evolve. If you’ve been in business for a while, odds are your offerings have changed since you first launched your business (and website). It’s important to ask yourself some key questions. Does your website truly reflect your mission? Does it speak to your ideal client? Or is your website stuck reflecting who you were and what your business did when you started? Your website should reflect who you are, who you serve and how you serve them. If it doesn’t, you need a redesign asap (with some updated copy).
This one is a biggie. Your website should be EASY to navigate – for both you and your website visitors. You should know your way around and make changes (without a mini meltdown or having to google your way through them). And your site visitors should have an easy to follow road map, courtesy of excellent layout, copy, call to actions (CTAs)/buttons, and your literal navigation menu. Site visitors should know exactly what next steps are, how to find what they want (within seconds), how to use your menu, etc. MAKE IT EASY FOR THEM. Have high contrast buttons (don’t make them hard to see), and clear invitations on what page to visit next.
Noticing some of these red flags? We would love to collaborated with you on a redesign and build a beautiful website, that functions flawlessly, and works as hard as you do. Apply to work with us today.
Written by Carrie Bondioli. CEO and Web Designer/Copywriter at Bloem Creations, a web design studio based out of Eugene, OR. Serving creative small businesses and entrepreneurs in the Pacific NorthWest and beyond.
For the trailblazer seeking a game-changing website. Designed to elevate your online presence and authentically represent who you are, what you do, and why it matters.
For the go-getter who loves a littLe DIY, or those who aren't quite ready for a custom build. Templates offer the freedom to have a website launched stat.
The best of both worlds. For the dream-chasers who found a template that's calling to them, but desire some personalizations with help from a designer's eye.